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What is the relationship between the current situation and development trend of the circuit board industry and the laser cutting industry?

What is the relationship between the current situation and development trend of the circuit board industry and the laser cutting industry?

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Circuit board is an indispensable basic component of electronic information products, known as the “mother of electronic products”, the development level of circuit board, to a certain extent, reflects the development level of a country or region’s electronic information industry.

In the stage of steady development of 5G information technology, 5G, AI, communication electronics, consumer electronics, and automotive electronics have become the main consumer of the circuit board industry. From the downstream situation of the circuit board industry, the current communication electronics is the most important application field, the development and promotion of 5G, the rapid development of the communication electronics industry, the PCB industry will have a better development situation driven by the increase of 5G penetration, and is expected to further improve.

In the stage of positive development of the circuit board industry, what is the role of laser cutting machine?

Laser cutting machine as the “fastest knife”, has a great impact on the circuit board processing process, laser cutting machine is a non-contact processing, cutting will not cause damage to the surface of the workpiece, can reduce the loss of materials in processing, save costs; The laser cutting machine is more precise than the traditional cutting method, which can improve the accuracy of the circuit board to a certain extent and improve product quality;

What is the connection between laser cutting equipment and the development of circuit board industry?

The improvement of people’s quality of life, environmental awareness is higher, the global demand for car panels is also continuing to rise, coupled with the policies of various countries, the growth trend of electric vehicles is accelerating significantly, the future demand for car circuit boards will only be more strong. However, because of the impact of the chip shortage, the domestic automotive industry circuit board demand may not have a great breakthrough, and because of the impact of the epidemic, the foreign return rate is not ideal, overall, the strong demand for the automotive market remains unchanged.

Under various influences, the demand for circuit board industry continues to increase, the demand for laser cutting equipment will also increase, the development of laser cutting equipment and the development of the circuit board industry is complementary to each other, laser cutting equipment is more precise, can improve the quality of the circuit board, the better the quality of the circuit board, the higher the demand, the need for more cutting equipment.

Post time: Jul-02-2024