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What affects the operation of the servo motor of fiber laser cutting machine?

What affects the operation of the servo motor of fiber laser cutting machine?

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Fiber laser cutting machines have been widely accepted by society and used in many industries. They are welcomed by customers and help customers improve production efficiency and product competitiveness.
But at the same time, we don’t know much about the functions of machine components, so today we will talk about what factors affect the operation of the fiber laser cutting machine servo motor.

1. mechanical factors
Mechanical problems are relatively common, mainly in design, transmission, installation, materials, mechanical wear, etc.

2. mechanical resonance
The biggest impact of mechanical resonance on the servo system is that it cannot continue to improve the response of the servo motor, leaving the entire device in a relatively low response state.

3. mechanical jitter
Mechanical jitter is essentially a problem of the natural frequency of the machine. It usually occurs in single-end fixed cantilever structures, especially during the acceleration and deceleration stages.

4. Mechanical internal stress, external force and other factors
Due to differences in mechanical materials and installation, the mechanical internal stress and static friction of each transmission shaft on the equipment may be different.

5. CNC system factors
In some cases, the servo debugging effect is not obvious, and it may be necessary to intervene in the adjustment of the control system.

The above are the factors that affect the operation of the servo motor of the fiber laser cutting machine, which require our engineers to pay more attention during the operation.

Post time: May-22-2024