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Laser cutting machines will catch up with punch machines and have huge market space

Laser cutting machines will catch up with punch machines and have huge market space

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The products of my country’s laser processing industry mainly include various types of laser marking machines, welding machines, cutting machines, dicing machines, engraving machines, heat treatment machines, three-dimensional forming machines and texturing machines, etc., occupying a large market share in the country. Punch machines in the international market have been gradually replaced by lasers, while punch machines and laser cutting machines coexist in my country. However, with the continuous application of laser technology in the manufacturing industry, laser cutting machines will gradually replace punch machines. Therefore, analysts believe that the market space for laser cutting equipment is very large.

In the laser processing equipment market, laser cutting is the most important application technology and has been widely used in industrial sectors such as shipbuilding, automobiles, rolling stock manufacturing, aviation, chemical industry, light industry, electrical appliances and electronics, petroleum and metallurgy.

Take Japan as an example: In 1985, the annual sales of new punch machines in Japan were about 900 units, while the sales of laser cutting machines were only 100 units. However, by 2005, the sales volume soared to 950 units, while the annual sales of punch machines dropped to about 500 units. . According to relevant data, from 2008 to 2014, the scale of laser cutting equipment in my country maintained steady growth.

In 2008, my country’s laser cutting equipment market size was only 507 million yuan, and by 2012 it had grown by more than 100%. In 2014, my country’s laser cutting equipment market size was 1.235 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of 8%.

Trend chart of China’s laser cutting equipment market size from 2007 to 2014 (unit: 100 million yuan, %). According to statistics, by 2009, the cumulative number of high-power laser cutting equipment in the world was about 35,000 units, and it may be higher now; and my country’s current number of units It is estimated to be 2,500-3,000 units. It is expected that by the end of the 12th Five-Year Plan, my country’s market demand for high-power CNC laser cutting machines will reach more than 10,000 units. Calculated based on the price of 1.5 million per unit, the market size will be more than 1.5 billion. For China’s current manufacturing equivalent, the penetration rate of high-power cutting equipment will increase significantly in the future.


Combining the growth rate of the market size of my country’s laser cutting equipment in recent years and the demand prospects of my country’s laser cutting equipment, Han’s Laser predicts that the market size of my country’s laser cutting equipment will still maintain a steady growth trend. It is expected that by 2020, my country’s laser cutting equipment market size will reach 1.9 billion yuan.

Since the laser cutting process is limited by laser power and intensity, most modern laser cutting machines are required to be equipped with lasers that can provide beam parameter values ​​close to the technical optimal values. High-power laser technology represents the highest level of laser application technology, and the cut-off There is a huge gap in the number of high-power laser cutting equipment in my country compared with developed countries in Europe and the United States. It is foreseeable that the demand for high-end high-power CNC laser cutting machines characterized by high cutting speed, high precision and large cutting format will increase significantly in the future. situation.

Post time: May-20-2024