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Laser cut in the new energy vehicle industry

Laser cut in the new energy vehicle industry

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With the rapid development of new energy vehicles and the strong support of national policies, as well as the upward trend in international oil prices, more and more people in Vietnam are choosing new energy vehicles.
Currently, China’s automotive industry is undergoing deep-layered changes. The automotive industry is accelerating toward low carbon, electrification, and other trends, and new materials and new applicable processing methods are putting forward higher requirements. The rational selection of the power battery manufacturing process and cutting process in New Energy will directly affect the composition, quality, safety, and consistency of the battery.

How can we overcome the current pain points of the automotive industry, realize high-quality development, and become a prominent task and a tough challenge for our country’s automotive industry? The key technologies for the development of ELECTRIC in the new energy automotive industry are the safety, composition, and capacity of power batteries. However, the manufacturing process of power batteries places extremely high demands on both engineering and safety, which in turn places even higher demands on the laser cutting and welding processes.

Advantages of Laser Cutting Power Cells Before the With the emergence of laser cutting technology, the power battery industry generally used traditional mechanical cutting processes. However, during the use of cutting machines, there are risks such as wear damage, ash and hair falling off, causing battery overheating, short circuits, and explosions. Problems include equipment failure, long switching times, low activity levels, and low production efficiency. The innovation of ELECTRONIC processing technology has a prominent role in the production of power batteries. Compared with traditional mechanical cutting tools, this cutting tool has no wear loss, active cutting shape, controllable edge quality, high precision, and low operating performance. It is advantageous to lower production costs, increase production efficiency, and shorten product cut cycles.

Post time: Jun-24-2024