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In which aspects of power battery manufacturing does laser cutting technology play an important role?

In which aspects of power battery manufacturing does laser cutting technology play an important role?

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As the core component of new energy, the power battery has high requirements for production equipment. Lithium-ion batteries are the power batteries with the highest market share at present, mainly used in electric vehicles, electric bicycles, scooters and so on. The endurance and performance of electric vehicles are closely related to the battery.

The production of power batteries consists of three parts: electrode production (front section), cell assembly (middle section) and post-processing (back section); Laser technology is widely used in the fabrication of the front pole piece, the middle welding and the packaging of the rear module of the power battery.

Laser cutting is the use of high power density laser beam to achieve the cutting process, in the production of power batteries are mainly used in the positive and negative laser pole ear cutting, laser pole sheet cutting, laser pole sheet splitting, and diaphragm laser cutting;

Before the emergence of laser technology, the power battery industry usually uses traditional machinery for processing and cutting, but the die-cutting machine will inevitably wear, drop dust and burrs in the process of use, which may cause the battery overheating, short circuit, explosion and other dangers; Moreover, the traditional die cutting process has the problems of fast die loss, long die change time, poor flexibility, low production efficiency, and can not meet the development requirements of power battery manufacturing. The innovation of laser processing technology plays a prominent role in the production of power batteries. Compared with traditional mechanical cutting, laser cutting has the advantages of cutting tools without wear, flexible cutting shape, controllable edge quality, high precision and low operating costs, which is conducive to reducing manufacturing costs, improving production efficiency and greatly shortening the die-cutting cycle of new products. Laser cutting has become the industry standard in the processing of power battery pole ears.

By the continuous improvement of the new energy market, power battery manufacturers have also significantly expanded production on the basis of existing production capacity, promoting the increase in demand for laser equipment.

Post time: Jul-17-2024