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5 points to note when buying a laser cutting machine

5 points to note when buying a laser cutting machine

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In enterprises that generally need laser cutting machines, the price of laser cutting machines should be one of the major factors that everyone considers first. There are many manufacturers that produce laser cutting machines, and of course the prices vary greatly, ranging from tens of thousands to millions of yuan. It is difficult to decide which equipment to buy. Then let’s talk about the differences between high-priced cutting machines and low-priced cutting machines. What exactly determines the price of laser cutting machines.

1. Servo motor: It is related to the cutting accuracy of the laser cutting machine. Some manufacturers choose imported servo motors, some are servo motors from joint venture factories, and some are motors of various brands.

2. Laser lens: It is related to the power of the laser cutting machine. It is divided into imported lenses and domestic lenses, and domestic lenses are divided into imported lenses and domestic lenses. The price difference is large, and the difference in use effect and service life is also large.

3. Laser tube: This is the heart of the laser cutting machine. Since the price of imported laser tubes is very high, generally around tens of thousands of yuan, most domestic laser cutting machines use domestic laser tubes. The quality and price of domestic laser tubes also vary. The service life of a good laser tube is generally about 3000 hours.

4. Mechanical assembly quality: Some manufacturers use very thin iron plates to make the casing to reduce costs, which is usually invisible to users, but over time, the frame will deform, affecting the cutting accuracy of the laser cutting machine. A good laser cutting machine should adopt a frame structure, welded with high-quality steel sections, and use high-quality cold-rolled steel plates to make the casing. When users buy a machine, they can judge whether the quality is good or bad by looking at whether the frame structure is used and the thickness and strength of the iron sheet of the casing.

5. Machine function: Some people familiar with laser cutting machines lament that the current laser cutting machine configuration has increased too much and the price has dropped compared with a few years ago. How satisfying!   But some people say that don’t be fooled by those shiny external things. If compared with the reliability and convenience of maintenance services, many new equipment is not as good as the “old three” in previous years. When buying a laser cutting machine, you should not only pay attention to your own needs, but also choose the type of laser cutting machine after analyzing the requirements and thickness of the cutting process. This does not mean that the better the laser cutting machine, for example, if you often cut metal plates below 3 mm, occasionally cut thin plates of about 10 mm, and do not have high requirements for the cutting process, then it is recommended to buy a laser cutting machine of about 1000 watts. If there are about 10 mm plates that need to be cut, they can be processed by a third party. First of all, many users have entered a misunderstanding, hoping that the laser cutting machine they bought is “all-purpose” and can do anything. This is actually a big mistake, not only wasting money, but also the operating efficiency of the equipment is not well utilized.

When customers choose a laser cutting machine, in addition to paying attention to the above factors, they also need to consider many comprehensive factors, such as corporate heritage, after-sales service, etc.

Post time: Jun-18-2024