7.2 Introduction to HMI operations
7.2.1 Parameter setting:
The parameter setting includes: The setting of homepage, system parameters, wire feeding parameters and diagnosis.
Homepage: It is used to set parameters related to laser, wobbling and process library during welding.
Process library: Click the area of the white box of process library to choose the set parameters of process library.
Welding mode: Set welding mode: continuous, pulse mode.
Laser power: Set the peak power of laser during welding.
Laser frequency: Set the frequency of laser PWM modulation signal.
Duty Ratio: Set the duty ratio of PWM modulation signal, and the setting range is 1% - 100%.
Wobbling frequency: Set the frequency at which the motor swings the wobble.
Wobbling length: Set the width of the motor swing wobble.
Wire feeding speed: Set the speed of wire feeding during welding.
Time of laser-on: Laser-on time in spot welding mode.
Spot welding mode: Click to enter the mode of laser-on during spot welding.
7.2.2【System parameters】: It is used to set the basic parameters of the equipment. It is generally configured by the manufacturer. You need to enter a password before entering the page.
The system access password is: 666888 six digits.
Pulse on time: The laser-on time under the pulse mode.
Pulse off time: The laser-off time under the pulse mode.
Ramp time: It is used to set the time when the laser analog voltage slowly increases from the initial power to the maximum power at startup.
Slow descent time: It is used to set the time when the laser analog voltage changes from the maximum power to the laser-off power when it stops.
Laser-on power: It is used to set the laser-on power as the percentage of welding power.
Laser-on progressive time: Control the time for the laser-on to rise slowly to the set power.
Laser-off power: It is used to set the laser-off power as the percentage of welding power.
Laser-off progressive time: Control the time taken by slowly laser-off.
Language: It is used for the language exchange.
Early air opening delay: When starting processing, you can set the delayed gas on. When you press the external startup button, blow the air for a period of time and then start the laser.
Late air opening delay: When stopping processing, you can set a delay to turn off the gas. When processing is stopped, stop the laser first, and then stop blowing after a period of time.
Automatic wobble: It is used to automatically wobble when setting the galvanometer; enable the automatic wobble. When the safety lock is turned on, the galvanometer will automatically wobble; when the safety lock is not turned on, the galvanometer motor will automatically stop wobbling after a time delay.
Device parameters: It is used to switch to the device parameters page, and a password is required.
Authorization: It is used for authorization management of mainboard.
Device number: It is used to set the Bluetooth number of the control system. When users have multiple devices, they can freely define numbers for management.
Center offset: It is used to set the center offset of red light.
7.2.3【Wire feeding parameters】: It is used to set wire feeding parameters, including wire filling parameters, wire back offing parameters, etc.
Back offing speed: The speed of the motor to back off the wire after releasing the start switch.
Wire back offing time: The time of the motor to back off the wire.
Wire filling speed: The speed of the motor to fill the wire.
Wire filling time: The time of the motor to fill the wire.
Wire feeding delay time: Delay the wire feeding for a period of time after the laser-on, which is generally 0.
Continuous wire feeding: It is used for the wire replacement of wire feeding machine; the wire would be fed continuously with one click; and then it would stop after another click.
Continuous wire back offing: It is used for the wire replacement of wire feeding machine; the wire could be back offed continuously with one click; and then it would stop after another click.